As a somewhat ancient (3rd time retired and overweight at the time), but physically active person, I came to Alexandra and Pilates on a personal recommendation and as part of my set plan to regain my health. The words, “life changing” have been attributed to both Alexandra and the discipline. With my own recently diagnosed, incredibly painful herniated disc experience and 6+ decades of bad posture, I had the desire, time and wherewithal to put my body back together and sit up straight. Weekly private sessions with Alexandra and regular home Pilates mat work over the years have indeed been a life saver and game changer for me. Yes, I still have aches and pains, but I know that I can usually manage them now with Alexandra’s assistance – very important to me as an aging, but physically active person. More importantly now that Alexandra is growing her business carefully and personally training a cadre of instructors, she has created an institution, a fully functioning Pilates studio that reflects her philosophy, style and values.